Friday, July 15, 2011

Toddlers and Tiaras: Universal Royalty Pageant

This episode of Toddlers and Tiaras followed 3 girls. Polished Pro Dianely, Cute little Lola, and Beautiful Haley. In the end, the 10,000 dollar winner was Hannah, 20 years old. Some people say "Universal Royalty was fun but if you saw the last toddlers and tiaras the grand prise went to a 20 year wasnt fair at all!" "not right that she won over a 7 and 5 year old!!!"  " should have split the cash into age groups not even comp. babies vs. 20yr." While Others say "She was fabulous! Wished the show actually captured more of her age group!"  "I'm gonna be blunt. As an adult competitor, the only time I ever see anyone make comments about splitting money into groups is when an adult wins. As a person who judges from time to time, know that they are not comparing a 20 year old to a 2 year old, but rather a 20 year old to what they expect of a 20 year old." What do you think? Should you be able to compare  the 2? Is it fair? I want to know, comment below.

1 comment:

  1. Not fair at all!!! Those overgrown barbies need to compete with women their own size!!!!
